The Angry Nerd


Garrett Weinzierl is The Angry Nerd. This is the show where Garrett gets personal and talks about things other than Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Chances are that those will still come up from time to time, but the goal is to branch out a bit.

Huge thanks to everyone supporting The Angry Nerd on Patreon! If you enjoy the show and would like to support it directly head on over to

When: Every Garrett has time! Unless we hit the Patreon goal. =P
Twitter: @GarrettArt
iTunes: The Angry Nerd on iTunes

#50 - R2-T2: “Killing Bugs and Changing Names”

I'm back and the podcast finally has a new name. This week I thought I'd take a break from the cocktails and talk about a game I've been very excited about and has lived up to my personal hype, Into the Breach. Cont...

#48 - The Angry Nerd: “Beyond the bitter”

The cocktails continue. This week I'm obsessed with Campari and by extension, the Negroni. Cont...

#47 - The Angry Nerd: “Judging James Bond”

The cocktails continue. This week I'm mixing up a martini and talking about vermouth and citrus garnishes. Cont...

#46 - The Angry Nerd: “Unnatural Vortex of Color”

I'm back for another Angry Nerd. I had enjoyed talking cocktails so much last week that I decided to keep going. This week I want to talk about the drink that brought me back to rum, the Daiquiri. You'll also learn why I've avoided rum since college. Cont...

#45 - The Angry Nerd: “Lifting your spirits”

It's been a good week on Amove so let's celebrate with some cocktails. On this week's Angry Nerd I explain how cocktail mixing became my new hobby. If you want my recommendation for a beginner's Old-Fashioned the recipe is below. Cont...

#44 - The Angry Nerd: “Please live”

Oh my god that new Rebels trailer! Okay, okay, I'm in control of my breathing again. Wow... I can't wait for the finale. Anyways folks, welcome back to the Angry Nerd. This episode I talk about PUBG, Star Wars Rebels, and take an email asking if Hearthstone packs are any different from loot boxes. Cont...

#43 - The Angry Nerd: “Love is a Battlefront”

Welcome back to the Angry Nerd everyone. Thought I'd wrap up my thoughts on BlizzCon 2017. It was an awesome experience and it was so awesome getting to be part of a panel. But there's also Battlefront II releasing today and I just couldn't let the insanity that was this week's loot box controversy go by without commenting on it. Cont...

#42 - The Angry Nerd: “Before I fly...”

I leave for BlizzCon today! But before I do, let me regale you with tales of how I prep for BlizzCon and what it's like to record official interviews while out at the conference. Cont...

#41 - The Angry Nerd: “Story or Gameplay?”

Howdy again folks! Been playing a bit of Shadow of War and I have some thoughts on enjoying games for story versus enjoying them for game play. Firesides are also getting weird in the world of Hearthstone, so please excuse me as I double dip into the topic of Hearthstone. Cont...