Into the Nexus
Welcome to Into the Nexus, a Heroes of the Storm podcast. Garrett Weinzierl and Kyle Fergusson will be taking you through the Nexus every week. Segments include news, strategies, and plenty of community interaction.
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When: Every Thursday at 8pm Eastern
Twitter: @ITNcast
iTunes: ITN on iTunes
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On this, the celebratory 300th Episode of Into the Nexus, we would take a look back at the games history and the year that was. But first we have a very important balance update now live in the game. Some might even say it’s the smartest balance patch they’ve ever done. Once concluded, we sit down for a trip through memory lane. The year that was, the years that have been. Game launch, balance, 2.0, HGC, the joys, the road bumps and of course a celebration of Heroes of the Storm with Into the Nexus in tandem.

Deathwing’s reign of terror continues! On this Into the Nexus Garrett and Kyle look at the impact of the experience orb anomaly and the big dragon. It’s not a clean picture, there are many moving peices and the dev team is holding back on balancing heroes for the globes update. Rightfully so, but what does the future hold! All this and more on today’s episode.

Deathwing is here! Hes fun, Garrett and Kyle are enjoying being him and killing him. We have concerns however about the XP change, but there is still much to explore and discover. We speed through abit of drama and get straight to a piping hot fresh AMA that came out today. Your emails and more to follow. Stick around for an update on Hotslogs and future benefits for our Patreon supports.

We heard whispers of a Friday afternoon balance patch and the defs delivered. Get ready for a big ol’ living live special straight from the Heroes mouth. Updates role on many of your favorite, but perhaps lesser played, heroes. Garrett and Kyle have the rundown on all the goodies. Leoric, Sonya, Alex, Brightwing, Tyrande, Whitemane and More! Even that predicted Alarak nerf. You like you some bizarre build Nazeebo? Get ready for that. Your emails follow.

While we awaiting the rival of Deathwing and his might anomalies, the Nexus has returned to normal. Garrett and Kyle are here to keep you up to date on all the Heroes happenings. We know a balance patch will hit next week, but what will it contain? Will it prepare for Deathwing? Will Mal’ganis and Rexxar be taken down a notch? Will they target our popular ban characters like Alarak or Garrosh? The dudes also theorize with the community on future anomalies, in particular safeguarding our wells. Blue Posts, Emails are More, all part of a complete Blizzard breakfast.

An interview from BlizzCon with Daybringer and Kyle Dates leads the show, all about Deathwing, Anomalies and other upcoming changes. A full show with Garrett and Kyle to follow, breaking down all we know about the upcoming XP Orb change. We also walk you through the most recent Tier-list for your ranked pleasure. Finished off with an email. You know you love it. It’s the post BlizzCon episode!

BlizzCon and bugs be damned! Deathwing is coming to the Nexus and will be playable at BlizzCon. But what does that mean for BlizzCon? What presence will Heroes have? Garrett takes on the voice of reason as Kyle lets loose the hounds of war with BlizzCon hopes. As an interesting for Heroes of the Storm comes to a close, we look forward to new heroes and the coming holiday meta switch up.

Pre-BlizzCon Balance? No E-Sport no problem! It’s no secret the dudes have been enjoying this years developer communication and balance. Garrett and Kyle run down the ongoing story on the Blitzchung incident before diving into a heafy balance patch. And might we call it handsome? There are some smart moves in here to streamline and slightly adjust many of your favorite heroes.
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