Welcome folks! This is the announcement for our new show, the Campaign Round Table. If you're a veteran listener of StarCast you may remember the round table episodes we did for the Wings of Liberty campaign. Well we are taking the idea and branching it out into it's own show. Think of it as a book-club for video game campaigns.
The Campaign Round Table will be a weekly show covering the story of the games we love. The show will be broken down into seasons of ten episodes or so. We are however kicking the show off with a mini-series covering the campaign of Heart of the Swarm. The first episode will be this Tuesday, March 19th, at 6pm Eastern. After that wraps up we'll be announcing season one proper and the games we'll be covering.
I want to encourage everyone to join in the conversation. You can email messages, audio clips or short video to CampaignRoundTable@gmail.com.