Dear DrmDestryr,
Finally after weeks of waiting, Chen is free. Now, what do I do?
Dear TheFuturist,
Dear Goobers45,
Let's not skirt around the fact that the only good players of Chen are alcoholics. To truly understand the way of the drunken master, you first have to understand the way of the drink, its necessity for carrying you through yet another day, and its superior power when mixed with fire belches.
The Drink
Drink a lot and drink often. This is not a choice you get to make. Ignoring the drink for too long leaves you defenseless and weak. Even your friends need you to. There is a talent that shows up level 13, Enough to Share, that buffs your friends when you drink around them. By default, this makes them enablers of the best kind.
The Jump
Your Flying Kick is perfect for when you need just a little more damage to kill an enemy. It is also ideal for body blocking as it lands you on the opposite side of your opponent. Though how you manage such a dazzling feat of acrobatics can only mean you dumped all your points into dex.
The One Two Punch
The next two in your arsenal, Keg Smash and Breath of Fire, are a winning team that should never be split up. Things soaked with alcohol take more damage from your fire breath. Therefore, you deal the most damage soaking things before belching on them. Worried about how quickly it reduces your drunken stupor? Don't be. Simply drink more.
The Finale
Up to this point, I have seen more people choose Wandering Keg as their 10. I, however, find this to be a far worse choice than getting so drunk you imagine yourself as three different elementals. Sure, the barrel is perfect for games where you have to run in and run out. It even makes a nifty way to corner one or more enemies, but it's nothing like hallucinating. On top of now doing triple damage, you can choose to be either range or melee, bursting apart or jumping together during the transition. What is more confusing than hitting someone with magic beams only to then instantaneously surround them in a deadly group hug? Death by panda is a noble way to go.
Dear DrmDestryr,
Jaina is finally released and now everyone is playing her. I keep dying. What do?
Dear Guerre2,
Know thy enemy.
What is she?
Jaina is an assassin. This means she does a lot of damage over a very short period of time. Jaina is ranged. This means she doesn't need to get close to you to do this damage. While strengths, these are also her weaknesses.
Also, know her back story. She once loved Arthas… or still does… or just had a fling with him… I’m not too sure the surrounding fan fiction and fan art I searched briefly to do this segment don’t point in any specific direction. Anyways, play as Arthas to taunt her failed dreams. Use her regrets to make her weak. Convince her you’ve turned, going as far as wearing the Prince Arthas skin. Then, when her guard is down, feed Frostmourne with her shattered hopes. She could never understand you and the power you wield.
What are her weaknesses?
She absolutely cannot survive face to face combat. As soon as you get her alone and are up in her business, she'll go down quicker than a feather in a vacuum chamber. This means choosing heroes that can isolate or quickly jump to specified targets. Diablo is perfect for this with Overpower. Stitches has his hook, and Muradin has his stun (provided the players know how to use them). As for assassins, look to Zeratul and Illidan. Illadan's 10, no matter which one you choose, is literally jumping to a spot and doing a butt load of damage.
What to watch out for?
Just because you're in her face doesn't mean she won't go down without a fight. Her trait means you take more damage from her attacks and are slowed. In addition, she can either summon an elemental or freeze you in place. This is great for her since she needs a way to keep enemies at a distance but poor for players that love to rush in headfirst. Goad out her special attacks, make her use her mana up. Once that's done, crush her.
Finally, sexual harassment charges. Now, we all know Jaina is a rather… gifted woman. This makes getting close to her relatively dangerous. If you happen to brush her… assets, she could very well react rather harshly. When hunting her down, make it clear to your team and theirs that the only reason you went well beyond the decency of personal space was strictly to kill her.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.