Hi DrmDestryr!
My teams seem to do super well in the beginning but then break at the end. What’s happening?
Hi Trying54!
A mighty fine question, and today I want to touch on one aspect of the oh so many things that make up a losing team: Losing Group Dynamic. I see this all the time. The team is doing fantastic! Wiping the floor with unprecedented might! Nigh unstoppable! Suddenly, an enemy gets a kill, maybe two. Then three. Then, after a few minutes of flapping around flaccidly, you get ROFL stomped by a team that used to be five levels down.
So what the f*ck happened?
Simply put, your team didn’t stick together. That’s it. While five levels may seem quite the advantage, it’s only so during group fights. The thought process then becomess we are super winning - we are unstoppable - we can go do our own thing. This is a huuuuuuge flaw in thinking. Unless you have a cloak or are damn sure the opponents are busy doing something else, you should rarely stray from the team. By splitting yourselves up, you split up what has clearly shown itself to be a dynamic build, exposing some majorly vulnerable areas to the enemy who will take advantage of it. Instead, if you are winning and one team mate goes down, immediately go on the defense until they revive. This way, you can rely on the towers to make up for your lost damage. It also gives you some time to re-up mana and health.
A team that sins together, wins together.
Dear DrmDestryr,
There is a new map! What is it like and how should you play it?
Dear Tyr34907
The Garden of Terror is really cool! Visually it has the same tone as Dragon Shire but boasts a wide selection of gardens and green houses. Like the majority of the maps, it has three lanes equidistant from one another.
The true GoT.
During its day cycle, the game proceeds as normal, but when night falls, it’s time to start grabbing seeds. You collect these in a fashion similar to the haunted mines: kill Night Terrors and they drop them. There are also two golems, one top and one bottom, that are filled with copious amounts. Once you have 100 seeds, you can summon your own plant golem to go harass the enemy team or wait to summon it until they summon theirs.
So far with strategy, the only thing I have found to be useful is congregating with your team members at night. Too many times have I seen teams split to handle both golems at the same time, only to be massacred by all five of the opponents. Besides, the faster you kill a golem, the faster everyone can go beat up the other team. Grabbing golems is also kind of low on the list of what to do, especially since they disappear when the night cycle happens. Aside from this, have fun! You might even get turned into a miniature version of Audrey II.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at drmdestryr@gmail.com or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.