You’ve played tank and assassin. Why aren’t assassins tough enough to take down tanks? Why are tanks so op?
Assassinate This!
The easy answer to this questions is to tell you 1) you suck as an assassin and 2) lrn 2 play better. However, because I enjoy a challenge, I’m not going to give you those piss poor excuses as answers.
I agree that tanks in general are tough mother*ckers, namely Stitches and Arthas. Going up against them as an assassin is usually a 50/50 shot at glory. While other Blizzard game assassins are definitely superpowered damage gods, it is not so in Heroes. Why? The answer is really a myriad of things. Other players, talent choices, team compositions and many more than I care to list. First and foremost, though, the game is not designed to make one hero the scourge of all. It is built on teamwork. The assassins, in general, are there to supplement fights. If there is a 2v2, an alert assassin can join to make it a 3v2 and quickly deal enough damage to decimate the opposing side. No hero is designed to be a 1v1 murder machine. That talent rests on the abilities of the player.
And tanks aren’t really that op. Sure they can do decent damage, but have you ever tried to take down a merc camp with just a tank? It takes forever. The only reason they seem op is because of their large health pool, and since assassins can only do short bursts of mucho damage, it definitely appears like the tanks are nigh invincible. If you watch a straight up 1v1 between the two classes, however, you’ll notice both health pools decrease at a relatively similar rate.
I do agree that certain heroes of each type need to be adjusted, but overall, the system works well. Each hero is only ever as strong as their team gives them the power to be.
Dear DrmDestryr,
The reporting system scares me. What happens if my team member has a bad game and then reports me out of spite and I get banned?
Dear InTheDark,
Lucky for you, there is no need to worry. Blizzard has set up the system to prevent the innocent from suffering while punishing the wicked.
It works like this. Once a game is finished, head to the stats tab. In there, right click on the player you want to report. Choose why you are reporting them from a drop down menu and then write in any reasons as to why you feel this is just in the text box and send. Finally, block them to prevent any further communication between the two of you.
The reason this won’t work against you is because each report is looked over by Blizzard employees and not other players. This is not a community-based reporting system. Unbiased third party employees read over the reports and make the call to ban or not based on the rules they have been given. While the specifics are still being hashed out, this means that only Blizzard will have the power to do anything to your account.
If you find yourself banned anyway, chances are you deserve it.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at drmdestryr@gmail.com or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr.