Dear DrmDestryr,
Got inspired by last @ITNcast and bought Murky. I do alright but need pro tips. Is there any video of you playing Murky @DrmDestryr?
Dear @Tralamin,
Ask and ye shall receive!
Murky is who you pick when you want to have fun playing Heroes. He is the quintessential definition of a living target. If you play your role right, enemies will stop at nothing just to get a sweet quarter kill.
If this is your first time delving into the mind of such a vengeful murloc, fear not! For all that play him cannot help but admit to the joy he bestows upon all who pick up the fish.
ProTip: Be Annoying
You are a walking distraction. From fluorescent colors that put Miami to shame to only being worth one fourth an actual Hero, you are the only Hero where it’s okay, in fact even encouraged, to overextend. The more place enemy attention has to be, the less cohesive they are. That is your gift to your team.
ProTip: Go For Objectives
Unless you’re on voice chat with a team that can tell you immediately if they need you or not, always head to grab the objectives when it’s clearly going to be a team fight. Murky’s stacks of Slime are debilitating and the power he has to deny and delay with Pufferfish is necessary for winning objectives, especially if you’re good at staying alive. Again, be annoying. Chase people to reduce the number of opponents your team is up against. Lay the Puffer to either force enemies out of position or do massive damage. Jump in the way of enemy fire, pop the bubble and soak damage for your team.
ProTip: Become the Merc Lord
Mercs are an unbeatable distraction. Unlike you who can be relatively ignored for a time when soloing a lane, mercs deal so much damage that they have to be taken down as soon as possible, otherwise they’ll rip through defenses. Bribe lets you do this. It gives you the undeniable power to control the flow of the game in mere second. An objective popped? Better go grab mercs! The enemies are focused too heavy in one area? Time to break up the party! The Siege Giants are your bros. Bros before O’s.
ProTip: Builds
The way I see it, Murky has two main builds.
You wouldn't think Murky is worth keeping alive, but I'll argue with anyone that says so. Even though he does have a death mechanic built in that should be used, Murky should always have the fewest team deaths. If you are leading the death counter, you are doing something very, very wrong. I say this because even with minuscule health, he has a bubble of literal invincibility, meaning running in and out of combat is a must. Besides, the longer you're in the fight, the longer you can harass the other team.
As for damage, this is far more about hurting structures than Heroes. In the best situation, you'll be left alone by about mid-game to lane so maximizing this is a gift from the devs.
Dear DrmDestryr,
Dear Butta,
The Skeleton King is official!!!!! And did you see how insanely large he is in comparison to the other Heroes? He's a giant warrior. I may never be this happy again.
Unfortunately, though, they didn't give us everything about him, just the coolest parts.
Who is the Skeleton King?
He's a king, for one. King Leoric to be precise—a name that has haunted Diablo players' dreams for a loooooong time.
He Revives!
But not in the way you think. Unlike Wraith King, who I played a lot in DOTA 2, you are basically alive the entire time, you just have two forms. The first is your sweet skeleton self. The second is your wraith. In this form, you can follow the enemy around, haunting their movements and dealing damage that doesn't injure them. Instead, it lowers your death timer. Then, when you're reborn as SK, you are reborn wherever your spirit was. You know how awesome that is? It's Murky but in warrior form. My sole roster of awesome Heroes is going to consist of characters that do nothing but piss off the other team.
He Uses Spooks!
From the pictures that have strewn forth from the web, it looks like a lot of his attacks are all incorporeal. From a Skeletal Swing and Drain Hope to Wraith Walk, the only things that aren’t there to celebrate an early Halloween are his heroics.
And let's talk about his heroics! March of the Black King is a sweet name, but Entomb is going to be mind-blowingly op if you're on a team with nothing but huge area of effect heroics. The poor souls trapped within the gnarled gates won't stand a chance, and I get to block the entrance, smacking them in the face with warrior oppression.
This is the stuff dreams are made of.
Ask DrmDestryr is your weekly Q&A/advice column for Heroes of the Storm. Have a question for DrmDestryr? E-mail her your mental musings at or send happy twoughts her way @DrmDestryr. Want to hang out? Check out the ITN PreShow with DrmDestryr! streamed weekly starting at 6 PM Eastern on Thursdays at