Overwatchers Blog

#2 - Overwatchers: "All About Gameplay"

On Overwatchers episode 2, it's all about the heroes baby! Well, six of the twelve heroes that were playable at BlizzCon 2014. Garrett and Patrick tackle all of the Offense and Tank heroes in Overwatch. Tracer's extreme British powers, the oncoming death that is Reaper, Pharah's Egyptian Gundam mech-suit, Hanzo's sick ink, what color Winston's fur actually is, and the raw pushing power of Reinhardt are all discussed. Some of these heroes the Overwatchers duo have actually played, some they were owned by. Enjoy this first look at the heroes of Overwatch.

Follow Overwatchers on Twitter @OverwatchCast, catch the VODs on YouTube at http://youtube.com/starcastshow, and email the show at MailOverwatchers@gmail.com. Next Thursday at 8am Eastern Overwatchers will record live on http://Twitch.tv/Amovetv. Come stop by the chatroom!


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Overwatchers #2 Show Notes
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