Overwatchers Blog

#3 - Overwatchers: "Death by Math"

On Overwatchers episode 3, the crew is on to the next six playable heroes! Patrick and Garrett discuss defense heroes, support heroes, and Garrett's introduction skills. Bastion's bullet-hose, Torbjörn's confusing accent, Widowmaker's "Frenchy-ness," Mercy's healing skills, Symmetra's death-by-math, and Zenyatta's helpful and deadly orbs are broken down.

Next week will be the final episode for a while and will be a mailbag show. Send any question or comments you have about Overwatch to MailOverwatchers@gmail.com

Follow Overwatchers on Twitter @OverwatchCast, and catch the VODs on YouTube at http://youtube.com/starcastshow. Next Thursday at 8am Eastern Overwatchers will record live on http://Twitch.tv/Amovetv. Come stop by the chatroom!


iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/overwatchers-overwatch-podcast/id943592978
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Overwatchers #3 Show Notes
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