On Overwatchers episode 3, the crew is on to the next six playable heroes! Patrick and Garrett discuss defense heroes, support heroes, and Garrett's introduction skills. Bastion's bullet-hose, Torbjörn's confusing accent, Widowmaker's "Frenchy-ness," Mercy's healing skills, Symmetra's death-by-math, and Zenyatta's helpful and deadly orbs are broken down.
Next week will be the final episode for a while and will be a mailbag show. Send any question or comments you have about Overwatch to MailOverwatchers@gmail.com
Follow Overwatchers on Twitter @OverwatchCast, and catch the VODs on YouTube at http://youtube.com/starcastshow. Next Thursday at 8am Eastern Overwatchers will record live on http://Twitch.tv/Amovetv. Come stop by the chatroom!
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Overwatchers #3 Show Notes
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